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Technology & Innovation

Research and Insight
Brand Strategy
Brand Architecture
Brand Design


World Luxury Award Monaco

Brand development for a single entry point for researchers

EU GrantsAccess is a single entry point for national and international researchers. EU GrantsAccess promotes research on an international level by means of actively giving advice and support to scientists and their research projects at every stage of their individual projects or careers.

gyselroth™ developed the new brand identity. Following the merging of the EU research development programs of the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) it was all the more important for EU GrantsAccess to be perceived as a distinct institution. The design reflects the outgoing characteristics and the network of EU GrantsAccess. The English name stands for internationality. To strengthen the brand identity we created a new website, and a new layout for correspondence and publications.

“gyselroth™ created the identity of EU GrantsAccess and therefore established it within the European research landscape.”

Sofia Karakostas and Agatha Keller

Heads, EU GrantsAccess

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